Important Deadlines

SemesterTAP Application DeadlineTAP Registration Date
Fall 2024July 15, 5:00pmJuly 15, 8:00am
Spring 2025November 15, 5:00pmNovember 18, 8:00am
Dates Below Subject to Change  
Summer and Maymester 2025April 15, 5:00pmApril 15, 8:00am
Fall 2025July 15, 5:00pmJuly 15, 8:00am
Spring 2026November 15, 5:00pmNovember 17, 8:00am
Summer and Maymester 2026April 15, 5:00pmApril 15, 8:00am
Fall 2026July 15, 5:00pmJuly 15, 8:00am

See The Scoop for more details

Please fill out the form completely and accurately to avoid delays or issues with timely processing. 

Please list the student ID number at the institution the employee is planning to attend/attending (Teaching Institution on the TAP form).

It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure the completed form is received by the TAP Team on or before the deadline. We appreciate early submissions!

TAP participants should expect notification emails throughout the TAP form approval process. 

Email to or fax to 678-839-5044.

For questions please call (678) 839-6111.